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0121 663 0754
MON-FRI 8:30-5:00

Health & Safety

ARGO-UK recognise the importance of health, safety and welfare, and adopt a systematic approach towards ensuring that a healthy and safe environment is provided and maintained for all employees and other persons who could be affected by our work activities.

Equally important is the need for constant alertness by the Director Responsible for Health and Safety and employees in identifying and eliminating potential hazards wherever possible.

It is our primary objective that in conducting our activities, account must be taken by all parties of the need to:

  • Formulate and maintain safe working systems, including work carried out during maintenance
  • Take all necessary steps to establish the causes of accidents and risks to health, which may occur, and to ensure that reasonable measures are taken to prevent recurrence
  • Ensure that no process, chemical or equipment is introduced unless it complies (where required) with statutory testing or examination requirements. Also, to ensure that, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of employees etc. will not be affected
  • Provide proper and adequate induction and training to ensure that all employees are fully competent in safe working methods applicable to their work
  • Encourage the closest possible liaison between the Company and employees in matters relating to health and safety
  • Ensure that all legal requirements relating to our activities are fully complied with, and progressively improve upon the levels of health and safety performance

Consult with employees, and advise them of their legal duties and responsibilities, including the requirement to:

  • Abide by safe working systems
  • Make use of facilities and equipment provided for their protection
  • Refrain from any act which could endanger themselves or others
  • Refrain from intentionally or recklessly interfering with, or misusing, anything provided in the interests of health, safety and welfare
  • Report any known defect, which could endanger the health or safety of themselves or others
  • Co-operate as far as is necessary to ensure that we meet our legal requirements

Every employee must:

  • Take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves, and others who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work
  • Co-operate with management with regard to agreed health and safety arrangements and procedures
  • Know and keep to the rules and procedures relating to their work, and report to the nominated Person for health and safety, Craig Stevens, all difficulties or hazards liable to endanger themselves or other persons
  • Not interfere with, or misuse, anything provided by the employer in the interest of health, safety and welfare
  • Report details to the nominated person for health and safety, Craig Stevens, as soon as possible, if involved in an accident resulting in, or which may have resulted in, injury and in all cases before the end of the shift on which the incident occurs
  • Arrange for any spillage of dangerous substances or flammable liquid to be dealt with immediately, having due regard to the nature of such spillage
  • Use machinery and equipment only when authorised and properly trained to do so
  • Wear or use correctly all protective clothing and equipment issued to them and get replacements for lost, damaged or defective items

An experienced team of tradesmen

Specialist & Multi-Skilled workforce

We have a mixture of Specialist Skilled tradesman to tackle specific problems and also Multi-Skilled operatives for day-to-day maintenance and general upkeep

Ensuring the safety of you and our staff

We carry out detailed risk assesments to ensure that both you and our workforce are protected against accidental and unneccessary injury

24/365 Call-out Service

Our contract customers benefit from a 24 hour, 365 days a year call out service. If you need us, we'll be there

Get in touch today

0121 663 0754
MON-FRI 8:30-5:00